Храмы Санкт-Петербурга
Курсовая по предмету:
"Туризм, Туристический бизнес и сервис"
Название работы:
"Храмы Санкт-Петербурга"
Автор работы: Сергей Пашков
Страниц: 23 шт.
Краткая выдержка из текста работы (Аннотация)
Saint-Petersburg is a World famous city. It is famous for its history - City of three revolutions, for white nights, drawbridges, for its architecture. Temples of Saint-Petersburg play a great role both in history and architecture. One of the first buildings in the city was Peter and Paul Cathedral. Most of Romanovs were buried here. After this, Saint-Petersburg became the centre of Temple building.
The Saint-Petersburg temples represent the city as a multicultural one and as the sample of tolerance. People of great number of nationalities and religions lived here since its foundation.
The city changed greatly in the XX century. Because of revolution and following Soviet rule, and also Grand Patriotic War, about thrty churches have been destroyed, many were reconstructed. The main purpose of my work is to restore the image of Saint-Petersburg of the beginning of the XX century. The second main purpose is to represent the way of life in the city, the attitude to churches, to religion. The events that lead to the ideas of building a church or a temple seem interesting as well. And the last, but not the least, - to get acquainted with pieces of architectural art, to show the traditions of temple building in Saint-Petersburg. Different architectural styles are represented in this work.
The temples below are not the most famous ones in Saint-Petersburg. But they have very reach history and they are in the shade of World famous St. Isaacs Cathedral, Church of Resurection, Peter and Paul Cathedral. The temples below are worth ones attention.
Содержание работы
1. Introduction 2
2. Buddhist Temple 3
3. The Mosque 7
4. Armenian Church 9
5. Lutheran Church 11
6. Roman-Catholic Church 13
7. Znamensky Orthodox Church 15
8. Greek Church 16
9. The Church of Theophany on Gutuevsky Island 17
10. Conclusion 19
11. Glossary 20
12. Bibliography 21
Использованная литература
- А.П. Павлов «Храмы Санкт-Петербурга», Санкт-Петербург, 1995 г, Лениздат
- В.Г. Исаченко «Зодчие Санкт-Петербурга XIX - XX века» Санкт-Петербург, 1998, Лениздат
- О.С. Хижняк «Религия и гражданское общество: проблема толерантности», Санкт-Петербург, 2003, Санкт-Петербургское философское общество
- www.datsan.spb.ru
- www.sobory.ru
- Л. Базылев «Поляки в Петербурге», перевод Ю.Н. Беспятых, Санкт-Петербург, 2003, «Блиц»
- Б.М. Кириков, Л.А. Кирикова, О.В. Петрова «Невский Проспект», Москва - Санкт-Петербург, 2004 Центрполиграф МиМ Дельта
- http://religion.ng.ru
- Е. Пудовкина "Осколки Греции на берегах Невы", Санкт-Петербург, 1993, Лениздат