Chelsea College of Art and Design
Реферат по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"Chelsea College of Art and Design "
Автор работы: Юлия
Страниц: 14 шт.
Краткая выдержка из текста работы (Аннотация)
The last decade of the 20th century was marked by serious changes in global environment, which, in one or another way, have a considerable effect on the role, functions, form and ways of functioning of the systems of higher education worldwide, certainly, the global market of design of an interior and space has also changed a lot. Some changes create new possibilities for education, while others seemed to be dangerous.
The article below examines advantages and disadvantages of English and Russian higher school design of an interior and space within an international educational area. English and Russian higher school's competitive advantages and barriers are also discussed.
Содержание работы
Introduction – p.2.
The basic part – p.2.
English Interior Design educational system – p.2.
Comparison between English and Russian Design educational systems – p.5.
Conclusion – p.11.
References – p.13.
Использованная литература
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