Не цензурные слова и выражения
Курсовая по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"Не цензурные слова и выражения "
Автор работы: Юлия
Страниц: 28 шт.
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The course work is devoted to the problem of obscene language.
Profanity and spoken indecencies have existed since the birth of language. Across history and cultures, gestures, phrases, and single words have stirred controversy. Even today, such \"bad language\" is under continual scrutiny for censorship by governments and groups. Most would agree that they themselves, or other people in general, only utter expletives under extreme circumstances, e.g., pain, surprise, fear, anger, etc. Others use curse words as part of everyday speech, which may be common practice in the region they live or environment they work.
The aim of the paper is studying the problem of profane vocabulary: its appearance, transformation and modern use. The aim can be reached by completing the following tasks:
1) studying history of development and expansion of obscene language;
2) investigating the problem of classification of “bad language”;
3) examining semantics and etymology of profane lexical units.
The object of the paper is obscene language.
The main subjects are origin, classification of profanity and semantic field of obscene vocabulary.
The theoretical importance of the paper is in the fact that its data can be used:
1) in compiling dictionaries – of jargon or taboo language, for example;
2) in working out material for course of Linguistics.
The practical value of the paper is in its ability to help students and a wide circle of interested people to improve their language skills and to learn more about English culture, as curse words became a common part of everyday life.
The methods of the research are:
1) critical analysis of the scientific sources – in studying the question under consideration;
2) method of total examining – in choosing the material for the research;
3) describing method – in characterizing lexical units;
4) method of component analysis and grouping – in classifying the units.
The structure of the paper:
Introduction explains the theme, aim, tasks, object and subject of the course work, its theoretical importance and practical value, as well as methods and structure of the investigation.
In the first chapter of this course paper we will give an obscene language overview which will include a brief description of its history as well as classification of the so called “bad language”. We will see how obscene language has reflected in the modern literature and on TV.
In the second chapter we will discuss the origins and common usage of “bad language”, phrasal and lexical semantics of profane words as well as basic types of profanity. In the end we also will study etymology of a few chosen profane words.
Conclusion sums up results of the research.
A list of profane idioms includes examples which can be referred to when talking about this topic.
Содержание работы
1.1 History of Obscene Language 5
1.2 Classification of “Bad Language” 6
1.3 Obscene Language Expansion 9
2.1 Types of Profanity 11
2.2 The Phrasal and Lexical Semantics of Profane Words 13
2.3 Origin and Use of Certain Most Commonly Used Curse Words 17
Использованная литература
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