National patterns of education in Great Britain and the USA. Образование в Англии и США
Реферат по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"National patterns of education in Great Britain and the USA. Образование в Англии и США"
Автор работы: Любовь
Страниц: 3 шт.
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Educational system of any country is integrally related to the values and assumptions of the society that surrounds it. Whatever its advantages and disadvantages are, the system will retain its current general characterizations as long as the values and assumptions that predominate in the surrounding society continue to hold away. But anyway our task today is reveal national patterns of education in Great Britain and the USA.
Lets start from American system of education. Americans believe that every citizen has both the right and the obligation to become educated. In order to develop an educated population all states have compulsory school attendance laws which require that formal schooling begins by age 6 and continue until at least age 16.
Содержание работы
National patterns of education in Great Britain and the USA.
Использованная литература
- Практика устной речи. Selected topics for discussion. Advanced level.:учебное методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов старших курсов./Л.С.Крохалёва и др.-МГЛУ,2009