Современные методы обучения английскому произношению
Курсовая по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"Современные методы обучения английскому произношению"
Автор работы: Юлия
Страниц: 29 шт.
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English language is one of the international languages in all over the world. As any language, it has four main aspects that should be learnt in order to have a perfect command of the language. One of these aspects is speaking in which pronunciation constitutes fundamental element that should be known. For this, pronunciation takes an important part in teaching English. For a teacher of a foreign language there are some challenges he might have to deal with through teaching this essential part of language. However, this important aspect of the language it tends to be neglected in middle school.
Teaching pronunciation involves a variety of challenges. To begin with, teachers often find that they do not have enough time in class to give proper attention to this aspect of English instruction. When they do find the time to address pronunciation, the instruction often amounts to the presentation and practice of a series of tedious and seemingly unrelated topics. Drilling sounds over and over again (e.g., minimal pair work) often leads to discouraging results, and discouraged students and teachers end up wanting to avoid pronunciation altogether.
Many English teachers avoid teaching pronunciation, not because it is not necessary, but because they have little or no information on the subject. Proper pronunciation is essential when learning English as a second or foreign language however; the main goal is to be understood, after all, and if ship comes out as sheep, this purpose may be quickly defeated.
The aim of this paper is to present new techniques of teaching pronunciation in school. Keeping the aim in mind we have singled out the following directions of working on the problem:
- defining the role and place of pronunciation in English lessons
- aspects of pronunciation which require the most focus of a teacher
- strategies in pronunciation teaching
- possibilities of using these new techniques in middle school
In order to cover all these issues we have reviewed works of some prominent authors in this field as well as articles of practicing teachers such as Harmer J.,. Dalton D., Celce-Murcia M., Brinton D., Goodwin J.M. We have also used materials of numerous scientific conferences in order to gain information about modern approaches used by teachers in school.
Содержание работы
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Ways of teaching pronunciation 4
1.1 The place and role of pronunciation in teaching English 4
1.2 Pronunciation features to focus on 6
1.3 Strategies in pronunciation teaching 9
1.4 Approaches and techniques for pronunciation teaching 12
Chapter 2. Teaching pronunciation in school 20
2.1 Strategies of teaching pronunciation at school 20
2.2 Practical ideas for teaching pronunciation in class 21
Conclusion 26
Bibliography 28
Использованная литература
- Bibliography
- Bolstad, R. (1997) The Language of the Brainin: The Language Teacher Online 21.2
- Brillinger, Kathryn, Pronunciation Rules: The Accompanying Pragmatics workshop (Mississauga, ON, June 2001)
- Brown A. (ed.) (1995) Approaches to Pronunciation Teaching. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall International
- Celce-Murcia M., Brinton D., Goodwin J.M., Teaching pronunciation: a reference for teachers of English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge University Press, 1996
- Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton D. M. & Goodwin J. M. (1996) Teaching Pronunciation. A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Dalton, D. (2002). Some Techniques for Teaching Pronunciation. TESL Journal, Vol. IV, No. 5, May 2002
- Fraser H. (2001) Teaching Pronunciation: A handbook for teachers and trainers. Three Frameworks for an Integrated Approach. Department of Education Training and Youth Affairs (DETYA)
- Gilbert Judy B. (2008) Teaching Pronunciation Using the Prosody Pyramid. Cambridge University Press
- Greenwood, Jackie (2002). The Role of Teaching English Pronunciation: issues and approaches. International Conference IPBA Materials
- Harmer J., The practice of English language teaching, 3 ed. London: Longman Pearson, 2001
- Jenner, B. (1997) The English Voice. In Brown, A. (ed.) Approaches to Pronunciation Teaching. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall International. 38-46
- Lozanov, G. (1979) Suggestology and outlines of suggestopedy. New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
- Marcus Otlowski, Pronunciation: What Are the Expectations? TESL Journal, Vol. IV, No. 1, January 1998
- Morley, J. (1991). The Pronunciation Component in Teaching English to Speakers of
- Other Languages. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 481-520.
- Scarcella, R. & Oxford, R..L. (1994). Second Language Pronunciation: State of the Art in
- Suter, R. ÎPredicators of Pronunciation accuracy in second language learning. 1976, Language Learning. 26, 233-53
- Wrembel, Magdalena (2001) Innovative Approaches to the Teaching of Practical Phonetics. Adam Mickiewicz University