Каким тебя видят другие?
Контрольная по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"Каким тебя видят другие?"
Автор работы: Ольга
Страниц: 2 шт.
Контрольная по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"Каким тебя видят другие?"
Автор работы: Ольга
Страниц: 2 шт.
Краткая выдержка из текста работы (Аннотация)
Nowadays, makeup and perfume play a great role. Gaudy and flashy makeup or pungent and strong smell of your perfume have no good effect on how people treat you.
Содержание работы
The Russian proverb says Clothes count for first impressions only. Nevertheless, it is quite important nowadays how you look. You are what you wear. Your clothes make a great impression on people. Everybody knows that we wear clothes for safety, comfort and to reflect religious, cultural and social meaning.
Использованная литература
- Surveys say that it is natural to see students or teenagers wearing jeans, T-shirts etc. But if you work in a company you should follow the dress code: to wear suits, jackets and so on. The dress code has social significance. All societies, groups have their own dress codes, most of which are unwritten but understood and accepted by most members. Various traditions suggest that certain items of clothing intrinsically suit different gender roles. In particular, the wearing of skirts and trousers has given rise to common phrases expressing implied restrictions in use and disapproval of offending behavior. So, one should be very attentive and neat in his/her dress.