The role of art in our life
Эссе по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"The role of art in our life"
Автор работы: Берегова Александра
Страниц: 2 шт.
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The role of art in our life
The art. Nobody can imagine his life without art. The role of art on our life is tremendous. Art develops the sens of beuty, such qualities as kindness and sympathy. Art helps us to live and makes our life more interesting, it develops our cultural level. History of arts dates back to ancient times. Now we enjoy the best works of ancient masters of many countries. Each nation has its own unique art. People try to express through the works their attitude to life and describe the world around them. All kings of art: painting, music, literature and theatre are closely connected with each other.
Talking about art, I would like to start with the theatre. There are many theatres on our country. If you want to see a perfomance or a play you must go to the theatre. So if you want to see dramas, tragedies and comedies you have to go to the theatre too. All theatres differ from each other. They have their plays, their actors, artresses.
Содержание работы
1. Theatre
2. Cinema
3. Painting
Использованная литература
- Богацкий И.С. Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Киев"Логос"2002
- Н.М. Карачаева А.А.Масленникова Английский, учебник для гуманитарных факультетов. СПб "Лань" 2000