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"Английский язык"

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The modern functions of the monarchy can be outlined as follows:

1. To unite the nation participating for this purpose in ceremo¬nies and public entertainments.

2. To advise, encourage and to warn. The monarch, supported by a private secretary has access to all government documents and regularly meets the prime minister.

3. Certain formal acts.

As Head of State, The Queen undertakes constitutional and representational duties which have developed over one thousand years of history. In addition to these State duties, The Queen has a less formal role as 'Head of Nation'. She acts as a focus for national identity, unity and pride; gives a sense of stability and continuity; officially recognises success and excellence; and supports the ideal of public and voluntary service.

Содержание работы

think about when thinking of monarchy. And one of the thoughts is about Britain. This small island nation is steeped in rich history and even once ruled over 1/5 of the people on the globe. But is monarchy in United Kingdom as important as we imagine to ourselves? The British monarchy is truly a subject of intrigue.

Monarchy is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom. In a monarchy a king or queen is Head of State.

The UK law has no concept of the state as an entity and some¬times uses the notion of the crown as a substitute. However, the crown is an obscure concept, particularly as to whether the Crown and the Queen are the same. The Queen/Crown is:

A. part of the legislature;

B. the formal executive of the UK as a whole and of the de¬volved governments of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ire¬land;

C. head of the Church of England;

D. head of the armed forces;

E. source of the authority of the judiciary;

F. prosecutor.

Использованная литература

  1. The British monarchy is known as a constitutional monarchy. This means that, while The Queen is Head of State, the ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament. Although the British Sovereign no longer has a political or executive role, he or she continues to play an important part in the life of the nation.
  2. Since 1688 the functions and personal powers of the monarchy have gradually been reduced. The 1688 Revolution left the mon¬arch in charge of running the executive but dependent upon Par¬liament for money and lawmaking power. The monarch retained substantial personal influence until the late nineteenth century, mainly through the power to appoint ministers and to influence elections in the local constituencies. The ab¬dication of Edward VIII (1936) probably spelt the end of any po¬litical role for the monarch.

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