14 заданий по английскому для 1 курса ФЗО, вариант 1, ТЮИ МВД России. Тема: «Law Enforcement Professional Education in the UK»
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"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"14 заданий по английскому для 1 курса ФЗО, вариант 1, ТЮИ МВД России. Тема: «Law Enforcement Professional Education in the UK» "
Автор работы: Вероника
Страниц: 15 шт.
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Тема: «Law Enforcement Professional Education in the UK» (Профессиональное образование работников правоохранительных органов в Соединенном Королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии)
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The Scottish Police College
1. The Scottish Police College started training in 1954 after a decision that officers from all Scottish Police Forces should be trained centrally. The College is located in the center of Scotland, situated in about 90 acres of parkland. At the heart of the campus is Tulliallan Castle, built in the early 19th century.
2. The facilities at the College have extended over the years. They are to meet the changes in the nature of police training and the law enforcement agencies’ demands for student places. The College currently provides approximately 75% of all police and support staff training.
3. The College is the largest police training educational establishment, which trains police officers for all eight Police Forces in Scotland. These Forces consist of about 14,500 officers. The college provides comprehensive training from recruits to command level of chief officers, including specialist training for detective and traffic officers. Every recruit to the Police Service in Scotland attends the College as soon as possible after he or she has joined the police. The responsibility for recruitment lies with each of the eight individual Forces.
4. Initially, probationers attend fifteen weeks basic training intensive course. The aim of this course is to equip recruits with sufficient knowledge and grounding in the realities of practical police work. It also helps to enable recruits to operate efficiently. They can get the skills necessary for a confident and competent start of the service.
5. After completing the fifteen weeks basic training course, recruits return to their Forces where they receive instruction in the local application of what they have learned at the College. This process of 'in-force' training continues until the probationer is ready to return to the College and to attend a two weeks reconvention course after approximately twelve months service. On the reconvention course the emphasis is more on academic and theoretical studies than on practical and physical aspects.
6. The College consists of four training and four support divisions. The largest number of students are probationary constables, but the College also provides training in subjects related to Management, Criminal Investigations, Traffic Patrol and Community Safety. It is currently the only central Police College in the UK which provides all the training elements in one establishment. The support divisions cover Administration, Information Technology and Training and Educational Standards.
7. The College provides high quality learning and development opportunities for officers and support staff involved in all aspects of operational policing, police leadership and performance management. The main values of the College Staff and the trainees are the integrity, respect, discipline, accountability, teamwork, professionalism.
Задание 1. Найдите в тексте и выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
Шотландский Полицейский Колледж - The Scottish Police College;
полицейские управления (полицейские подразделения, службы полиции) - Scottish Police Forces;
подготовка полицейских - police training;
правоохранительные органы - the law enforcement agencies;
образовательное учреждение –educational establishment;
Содержание работы
Тема: «Law Enforcement Professional Education in the UK» (Профессиональное образование работников правоохранительных органов в Соединенном Королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии)
Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие за ним задания.
The Scottish Police College
1. The Scottish Police College started training in 1954 after a decision that officers from all Scottish Police Forces should be trained centrally. The College is located in the center of Scotland, situated in about 90 acres of parkland. At the heart of the campus is Tulliallan Castle, built in the early 19th century.