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World -Structure in Modern English: Functional Perspective


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"World -Structure in Modern English: Functional Perspective"

Автор работы: Кондратенко Светлана
Страниц: 31 шт.


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We think of words as being the most basic, the most fundamental, units through which meaning is represented in language. There is a sense in which this is true. Words are the smallest free-standing forms that represent meaning. Any word can be cited as an isolated item. It can serve as the headword in a dictionary list. It can be quoted. It can be combined with other words to form phrases and sentences. In general the word is the smallest unit that one thinks of as being basic to saying anything. It is the smallest unit of sentence composition and the smallest unit that we are aware of when we consciously try to create sentences.

The minimal units of language that exhibit a systematic pairing of sound and meaning thus do not correspond to words, but to in fact something more basic. These basic, minimal units of sound and meaning are called morphemes. That, of course, now leaves us without a clear definition of ‘word’. For the moment, however, let’s keep to a very intuitive idea about what words are, and focus on morphemes. Once we better understand the nature of morphemes, and the rules regulating how morphemes can be combined, and once we further see how these units relate to “higher level” units of linguistic expression, we will be in a better position to define words properly.

Содержание работы


Introduction 3

Part 1. Lexico - Semantic Features of Word - Structure in ME. 5

1.1 Segmentation of Words into Morphemes. 5

1.2 Prinsiples of Morphemic Analysis. 9

1.3 Classification of Morphemes. 16

1.4 The Main Derivational Patterns in ME. 18

Part 2. Textual representation of Word - Structure in ME. 22

Conclusions 26

Resume 28

Electronic references 29

Literature 30

Использованная литература

  1. Literature
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