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Каталог работ --> Иностранные языки --> Английский язык --> Are the rules which govern society important? Refer to “Lord of the flies” by W.Golding as an example.

Are the rules which govern society important? Refer to “Lord of the flies” by W.Golding as an example.


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"Английский язык"

Название работы:
"Are the rules which govern society important? Refer to “Lord of the flies” by W.Golding as an example."

Автор работы: Кондратенко Светлана
Страниц: 2 шт.


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Society as an abstraction of a collection of relationships between individuals has its own rules that created to help its prosper. As Charles Horton Cooley states that the individual or person is actually a part of a larger individual called society. The only reason why it exists is the rules that created in this community. There are a lot of discussions whether the rules needed or not for modern civilization. To my way of thinking, every person has his own point of view to this question but to live in peace and in civilized manner all members of a society should stick to some rules.

Содержание работы

Are the rules which govern society important? Refer to “Lord of the flies” by W.Golding as an example.

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