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Контрольная по английскому языку

ГУУ (г.Москва)

Контрольная по предмету:
"Английский язык"

Название работы:
"Контрольная по английскому языку"

Автор работы: Ольга
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VI. Выберите подходящие по смыслу слова и вставьте в пропуски. Подчеркните их

Market Research

It is impossible to develop and launch а product solely on the basis of .guesswork Thats much too risky. You can't just trust the intuition of senior managers or product managers; you have to do market research. We collect and gather information about the size of а potential market, about consumers tastes and habits, their reactions to particular product features, packaging features, and so on.

Lots of people think that market research just means going out and asking consumers for their ...opinions of products, but that's not true. Асtuаllу, talking to customers is а relatively minor market research tооl, because it's very expensive. In fact, personal interviewing is the very last thing we'd do. We usually find that our own account department which keeps records of sales, orders, and so on, is а far more important source of information. Our sales representatives are another good source.

There are also а lot of printed sources of secondary ..data we can use, including daily, weekly and monthly business newspapers, magazines and trade journals, our competitors annual reports, official government statistics , and reports published by private market research companies. We analyse data from customers, middlemen, and so on, if both internal research (analysis of data already available in the accounts and sales departments) and secondary data (available in printed sources) are inadequate.

lf we do go out and do field work it's usually а survey, which you can use to collect information about product and packaging features, and to measure the effectiveness of advertising copy, advertising media, sales promotions distribution channels, and so on.

Analyse, annual, data, gather, guesswork, habits, accounts department, launch, opinions, packaging, promotions, statistics

Спишите и переведите словосочетания:

1. to develop and launch a product разрабатывать и выпускать продукт

2. the consumers tastes and habits потребительские вкусы и предпочтения

3. to keep records of sales сохранять информацию о продажах

4. to gather data собирать данные

5. to do a survey проводить исследование

6. advertising media рекламные СМИ

VII. Перевод на английский

Я работаю в компании занимающейся оптовой и розничной продажей автомобильных запчастей для импортного грузового транспорта. Компания славится как поставщик оригинальных запчастей на российский рынок. У нас множество клиентов по всей стране.

Я менеджер отдела снабжения. Моя задача обеспечить эффективное управление запасами. В мои служебные обязанности входит заказ товара, прогноз спроса, анализ цен. Я очень люблю свою работу. У нас отличный коллектив.

Нас всех объединяет общая цель сделать все возможное для развития и процветания нашей компании.

I work for the company which is the wholesaler and the retailer of spare parts for import tracks. Our company is wellknown as a supplier of original spare parts on russian market. We have a lot of clients throughout the country.

I work as a manager of the Purchasing department. My major task is to provide effective management of stocks. Im obliged to order products, to forecast demand and to analyse prices.

I like my work too much. My co-workers are good people. We all pursue one goal to make everything possible for the development and prosperity of our company.

Содержание работы

I. Спишите предложения, поставив сказуемое в пассивном залоге. Используйте предлог by, где это необходимо


The customers can pay their household accounts by electronic transfer.

The household accounts can be laid by the customers by electronic transfer

1. The insurance company pays compensation in case of a natural disaster.

2. We have promoted our goods and services on the points of sale throughout the year.

3. My friend has just advised me to deposit my savings with a bank.

4. They are repairing my car now. I cant drive it.

5. We had already reached the decision before the general discussion began.

6. The customers bought there articles during the sale. We cant exchange them.

II. Спишите предложения и подчеркните сказуемые, содержащие модальные глаголы с перфектным инфинитивом. Переведите предложения

1. The results were completely wrong as a scientist she should have planned the experiment more carefully.

2. The personnel director might have chosen Mike for the job, he looked happy after the interview.

3. The firm must have become bankrupt, it is selling out its shares.

4. He couldnt have taken part in the negotiations. He was on a business trip at that time.

5. Lets go and discuss the problem with Mike. He must have finished working by now.

III. Спишите предложения, подчеркните причастия, укажите их форму и функцию (см. модель)

1. Impressed by Alans work, the manager extended his contract for year.

2. Being unemployed, Dave had time to consider what job he really wanted.

3. The consumers usually study the quality of goods offered by foreign producers at a particular market.

4. Knowing exactly what I wanted, I didnt spend much time shopping.

5. Unless properly packed, the goods wont attract the customers and sell well.

6. Having established the main values of the company, the members of the Board passed over to the discussion of the short-term objectives.

IV. Из данных групп предложений, содержащих придаточные предложения условия, спишите те, в которых действие могло бы относиться к настоящему или будущему времени. Подчеркните сказуемые и переведите предложения

1. а) If more users were connected to computer networks, e-commerce would develop more rapidly.

b) If more users had been connected to computer networks, e-commerce would have developed more rapidly.

2. a) The company would have achieved a higher sales level, if the retail price had been decreased.

b) The company would achieve a higher sales level, if the retail price was decreased.

3. a)Unless experienced managers were hired, such a big corporation would not run business so successfully.

b) Unless experienced managers had been hired, such a big corporation would not have run business so successfully.

4. a) If governments had reduced restrictions and tariffs, it would have promoted the expansion of world trade.

b) If governments reduced restrictions and tariffs, it would promote the expansion of world trade.

5. a) If the enterprise applied innovations more effectively, its profits would rise.

b) If the enterprise had applied innovations more effectively, its profits would have risen.

V. Из трех слов выберите одно, соответствующее определению, которое дано выше. Подчеркните его


The variety of goods that a company produces or sells

a) rank b) range c) choice

1. a company which sells goods to another company

a) customer b) retailer c) supplier

2. a charge paid to a person or a bank for the money borrowed

a) loan b) rent c) interest

3. a person who reports to you

a) supervisor b) subordinate c) leader

4. a group of people that might buy the companys goods

a) Competitive market b) local market c) target market

5. a sudden collapse

a) boom b) rise c) crash

6. payment to a person after injury

a) benefit b) compensation c) incentive

7. a person responsible for promotion and distribution of the companys goods as well as for market research

a) production manager b) marketing manager c) sales manager

Использованная литература

  1. VI. Выберите подходящие по смыслу слова и вставьте в пропуски. Подчеркните их
  2. Market Research
  3. It is impossible to develop and 1 а product solely on the basis of .2 Thats much too risky. You can't just trust the intuition of senior managers or product managers; you have to do market research. We collect and 3 information about the size of а potential market, about consumers tastes and 4, their reactions to particular product features, packaging features, and so on.
  4. Lots of people think that market research just means going out and asking consumers for their ...5 of products, but that's not true. Асtuаllу, talking to customers is а relatively minor market research tооl, because it's very expensive. In fact, personal interviewing is the very last thing we'd do. We usually find that our own 6 which keeps records of sales, orders, and so on, is а far more important source of information. Our sales representatives are another good source.
  5. There are also а lot of printed sources of secondary ...7 we can use, including daily, weekly and monthly business newspapers, magazines and trade journals, our competitors 8 reports, official government 9 , and reports published by private market research companies. We 10 data from customers, middlemen, and so on, if both internal research (analysis of data already available in the accounts and sales departments) and secondary data (available in printed sources) are inadequate.
  6. lf we do go out and do field work it's usually а survey, which you can use to collect information about product and 11 features, and to measure the effectiveness of advertising copy, advertising media, sales 12 distribution channels, and so on.
  7. Analyse, annual, data, gather, guesswork, habits, accounts department, launch, opinions, packaging, promotions, statistics
  8. Спишите и переведите словосочетания:
  9. to develop and launch a product
  10. the consumers tastes and habits
  11. to keep records of sales
  12. to gather data
  13. to do a survey
  14. advertising media
  15. VII. Перевод на английский
  16. Я работаю в компании занимающейся оптовой и розничной продажей автомобильных запчастей для импортного грузового транспорта. Компания славится как поставщик оригинальных запчастей на российский рынок. У нас множество клиентов по всей стране.
  17. Я менеджер отдела снабжения. Моя задача обеспечить эффективное управление запасами. В мои служебные обязанности входит заказ товара, прогноз спроса, анализ цен. Я очень люблю свою работу. У нас отличный коллектив.
  18. Нас всех объединяет общя цель сделать все возможное для развития и процветания нашей компании.

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