Использование коммуникативных метода в преподавании английской грамматики на материале на материале Cambridge Oxford University Press Macmillan Longman
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"Английский язык"
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"Использование коммуникативных метода в преподавании английской грамматики на материале на материале Cambridge Oxford University Press Macmillan Longman "
Автор работы: Юлия
Страниц: 64 шт.
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Oral communication is typified as an activity involving two (or more) people in which the participants are both hearers and speakers having to react to what they hear and make their contributions at high speed. Each participant has an intention or set of intentions - goals that he wants to achieve in the interaction. Each participant has to be able to interpret what is said to him / her; which he cannot predict exactly either in terms of form or in terms of meaning, and reply with what language he has at his disposal in a way that takes account of what has just been said and which reflects his own intentions at this point in the interaction.
It is sometimes said that a structural approach, when it is orally based, with plenty of classroom activity, succeeds in doing this. It does not. It is important not to confuse plenty of student talk with learning to communicate. They are not synonymous. A communicative approach to speaking emphasises the use of language above the level of the sentence. Structural approaches, on the other hand, are concerned with the production of grammatically accurate sentences.
Structural dialogues lack communicative intent and you cannot identify what communicative operations the learner can engage in as a result of practice. The result of purely structural practice is the ability to produce a range of usages, but not the ability to use forms appropriately.
The role of the instructor in Communicative Subject Teaching (CST) is different from traditional teaching methods. In the traditional classroom, the teacher is “on duty” and \"controls\" the learning. In CST the teacher serves as a facilitator, allowing students to be in charge of their own learning. The teacher still gives direction to the class and sets up exercises and control works, but the students do much more speaking than in a traditional classroom. This responsibility to participate as a rule leads to an increased sense of confidence in using the subject in practice.
Содержание работы
2.1. Communicative method in our country and abroad 11
2.2. Broadenings students\' communicative competence in English Language Teaching 27
2.3. Communicative games In English Language Teaching 32
3.1. Upper-Intermediate level (Inside Out. Upper-Intermediate. / – Macmillan; New Cutting Edge. Upper-Intermediate./ Longman) 50
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