Slang in mass media
Курсовая по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"Slang in mass media"
Автор работы: Юлия
Страниц: 35 шт.
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Slang covers virtually all areas of life, describes almost all situations, because the slang word is born as a result of emotional attitude of the speaker to the subject of conversation. Slang - is a permanent creation of new words, which is based on the principle of linguistic games. It is often comic, game effect is primarily in the slang text. After all, the young man is not only \"say\", but \"how to say \'to be an interesting storyteller. Slang has a fairly strict boundaries of appropriateness and adequacy. That is why his appearance in the media \"is a mixed reaction: people who are accustomed to be with the newspaper on You\", categorically do not accept this trend .
The object of study - modern slang of the late XX - early XXI century. And its manifestations in the mass media as one of the uncodified forms of existence of modern English.
The immediate object of study is the media.
This work is devoted to the topic Slang in mass media. This issue is being investigated by the authors: Valgina NS, Uzdinskaya EV, Solganik GY etc.
1. The intensity of the process of replenishment of modern Russian slang new units at the end of XX - early XXI century. This is, of course, the socio-historical background of the Russian language. But this relationship can not be interpreted too literally, explaining a significant recovery and intensive slang-appearance only historical cataclysms. The scientific literature is traditionally divided into three waves in the development of youth slang. The first dates from the 20-ties of the XX century. When the revolution and civil war that completely destroyed the fabric of society, has created an army of street, and it \"good\" youth are not separated from them, completing the set of \"thieves\" words. The second wave has a 50-ies, when the streets and dance halls of cities left \"dudes\". The emergence of third wave is not connected with the era of rapid developments, and with a period of stagnation, when the stifling atmosphere of public life 70-80\'s gave birth to various informal youth movements and \"hippies\", young people created their own \"system\" as a slang language gesture of confrontation of the official ideology. We believe that there are reasonable grounds for granting the fourth wave - the current stage of expansion of slang in the late XX - early XXI century. This period of rapid social life in Russia, the collapse of the old politico-economic structures and the beginning of the formation of new ones. Regular amnesty to prisoners reinforce the influence of criminal morality in the society. The result is a slight decline of morals of the population. The language is manifested in the violation of norms of speech, mixing styles and enhance the non-literary units in speech not only youth, but also some of the older generation.
Содержание работы
Chapter 1. Slang in mass media..………………………………………….….….6
1.1 Characteristics, sources of revenue for slang in mass media…………………………………………………………………….….……6
1.2 The history of the emergence and development of slang in mass media..…..13
Chapter 2 Slang in mass media. lexical and symentic characteristics of slang in mass media……………………………………………………………….…….. 20
Chapter 3. Using the slanguage in youth media. ………………………………………………………………………………...….23
Использованная литература
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