The power of the media. газеты, телевидение
Реферат по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"The power of the media. газеты, телевидение"
Автор работы: Любовь Владимировна
Страниц: 3 шт.
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Television has profoundly undermined societys traditional values and standards. TV has become the drug of choice for an increasingly fast and self-occupied world, traditional family activities have disappeared, participation in local affairs and community life has collapsed and a damaging cult of get-out-of-my-face isolationism has taken hold. In just 40 years TV has not only stripped away much of peoples gregarious nature, but demolished the social fabric and common interests that have held communities together for centuries.
Cocooned in their world, people no longer know their neighbours, friends or even families. They dont vote, dont socialize, they dont think and most of them dont care.
Many argue forcefully that all these negative changes are the fault of television. They paint an ominous picture of a society so helplessly glued to and enslaved by TV that it can no longer function in a normal, co-operative way.
Содержание работы
1)The power of the media.
В теме раскрыты слудующие пункты:
The press ( newspapers and magazines)
Arguments for.
Arguments against.
Использованная литература
- Практика устной речи. Selected topics for discussion. Advanced level.:учебное методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов старших курсов./Л.С.Крохалёва и др.-МГЛУ,2009