Реферат по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
Автор работы: Половинкина Мария Станиславовна
Страниц: 16 шт.
Краткая выдержка из текста работы (Аннотация)
The behavior of each person is defined by motives, the internal forces inducing the person to realization of certain actions. Motives are shown as reaction of the person to factors of his inwardness or influence of an environment, external conditions, situations, conditions. Each person has own structure of motives which is formed during his development, displays and self-estimations of the abilities, achievements of any results. Motives are defined by needs of the person, comprehension of a degree and opportunities of their satisfaction. But, besides interests which reflect his aspiration to change of structure of the needs against a standard ideal representation about a possible way of life in modern conditions are inherent in the person still. Interests give rise in behavior of the person to stimulus,
that is motives of a special kind - interest. Realization of interests accompanies with any activity of the person. On it stimulation is under construction.
The labour motivation is motivation of the higher type alongside with the motivations initiating social contacts, creativity. The labour motivation as system of the motives reflecting needs satisfied with the help of labour activity, is dynamical. Its change the same as also motives, occurs depending on change of the person of the worker and the social validity environmental it.
Labour activity is induced simultaneously by several motives, hierarchical built. As a rule, under favorable social conditions the motives adequate to elementary needs submit to higher, spiritual motives. And on the contrary, at an adverse social situation on the foreground the motives connected with satisfaction of elementary needs act.
The conducting motive not only carries out function of the strongest prompting and a direction of labour activity, but gives to this activity the special personal sense shown in the attitude to work, quality of labour activity. The account of this circumstance at the organization of system of stimulation of work, as shows world experience (especially Japan), allows to achieve formation of the responsible attitude to work, its high efficiency.
Motives, as a rule, are in the various relation among themselves, can strengthen or weaken each other, to be inconsistent, etc. In this connection the labour motivation is necessary for considering as the complex phenomenon demanding the deep scientific analysis, a choice on each concrete manufacture of special methods and forms of stimulation of the work, motives most effectively influencing structure and accordingly on formation of the attitude to work and quality of carried out work.
Содержание работы
1.1. The concept of motivation. 5
1.2. The theories of motivation. 8
1.3. The ways of motivation. 11
Использованная литература
- Рефераты
- Рефераты
- Ассистент словарь Проф
- Advancing employee productivity
- Рефераты
- Motivation information