Methods of teaching speech
Курсовая по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"Methods of teaching speech"
Автор работы: Юлия
Страниц: 20 шт.
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Whereas positions of English language in the world as in the lead means of the international dialogue more and more amplify, and is not observed any powerful tendencies to a stop or delay of the given process, the problem of creation of an effective technique of teaching of English language is represented to the extremely important. As it is known, the human brain most actively perceives and remembers the information and productively works during first half of life; thus, in a case with English language, no less than with huge set of other disciplines, the extremely important is granting of possibility of development of language at rather early stage of development of the human person. The given work is devoted the review of a so-called communicative technique of training to English language in high school which is represented to the author of the most effective and perspective of all existing and applied now. It is necessary to notice that efficiency of this technique proves to be true results of its application in the European countries throughout last 15-20 years. That last years already powerful experiences of integration of a communicative technique in system of language formation in Russia are observed let and not universal, but is pleasant also.
Whereas positions of English language in the world as in the lead means of the international dialogue more and more amplify, and is not observed any powerful tendencies to a stop or delay of the given process, the problem of creation of an effective technique of teaching of English language is represented to the extremely important. As it is known, the human brain most actively perceives and remembers the information and productively works during first half of life; thus, in a case with English language, no less than with huge set of other disciplines, the extremely important is granting of possibility of development of language at rather early stage of development of the human person. The given work is devoted the review of a so-called communicative technique of training to English language in high school which is represented to the author of the most effective and perspective of all existing and applied now. It is necessary to notice that efficiency of this technique proves to be true results of its application in the European countries throughout last 15-20 years. That last years already powerful experiences of integration of a communicative technique in system of language formation in Russia are observed let and not universal, but is pleasant also .
Today the majority of language schools and courses of foreign languages name the system of communicative educational methods the leading one. Our project is no exception, but for minor reservations. We use a complex system in which we combine classical grammar and communicative methods, as each of them has its pros and cons.
Following the system of communicative methods, one acquires oral speech practices and speaks any foreign language fluently. The first stage of studying is dedicated to memorising words and word collocations, and only after a time some grammar rules are explained and drilled. The mother tongue is never used as a facilitator language with this educational system. New grammar rules and patterns are introduced in role-plays and in-class games. Audio-visual aids are also frequently used.
No doubt, these methods differ from classical drilling of grammar; they are more dynamic and attractive. However, there are the cases when some lexical or grammar phenomena can hardly be explained or interpreted in a foreign language, so many adult pupils need comments in their mother tongue. And, the time comes for the classical methods that help one improve grammar and written speech competence.
So, the symbiosis of these two systems and the rational use of their advantages are fruitful - one acquires a high-level of foreign language competence.
Содержание работы
Introduction 3
Part 1. Identify the basic principles of teaching and apply to the subject area 5
Part 2. Methods of teaching foreign languages 5
Part 3. Development of dialogue speech skills 12
Conclusion 18
Bibliography 19
Использованная литература
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