Эссе по вопросу (по мотивам произведения Агаты Кристи).
МГУ (г.Москва)
Контрольная по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"Эссе по вопросу (по мотивам произведения Агаты Кристи)."
Автор работы: Ольга
Страниц: 1 шт.
Контрольная по предмету:
"Английский язык"
Название работы:
"Эссе по вопросу (по мотивам произведения Агаты Кристи)."
Автор работы: Ольга
Страниц: 1 шт.
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However, as it turns, he does a good turn to Moira and Roger by his sullen, imperious and meticulous character. Dr Nicholson runs a local sanatorium, he treats drug addicts, and there is an atmosphere of fear around his and Moiras house. It is quite clear why the main characters of this book, Robert "Bobby" Jones son of the Vicar of Marchmolt and Lady Frances "Frankie" Derwent daughter of Lord Marchington,......
Содержание работы
Ответ знает Эванс (Агата Кристи)
Задания к зачету
Why Didn't They Ask Evans? (Agatha Christie)
Test tasks
7. How did Dr. Nicholson do Moira and Roger a good turn?
Использованная литература
- First of all, one should note that Agatha Christies works are full of suspense. The book Why didnt they ask Evans is not an exception. Bobby Jones while playing a game of golf with his friend chips the ball over a cliff edge and when he goes to look for the ball he sees a man lying unconscious below. Here the story begins. From the very beginning of the book you are involved in the reading because of different crimes which is described later in this paper. One suspects Dr. Nicholson, Canadian owner of a sanatorium near Merroway Court, to commit all these crimes.