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Каталог работ --> Иностранные языки --> Английский язык --> Известные люди Великобритании.

Известные люди Великобритании.


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"Английский язык"

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"Известные люди Великобритании."

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The history of the English Crown up to the Union of the Crowns in 1603 is long and eventful.

The concept of a single ruler unifying different tribes based in England developed in the eighth and ninth centuries in figures such as Offa and Alfred the Great, who began to create centralized systems of government.

There have been anglo-saxon kings, the Normans, the Angevins, the Plantagenets, the Lancastrians, the Yorkists, the Tudors the most well-known dynasty in Royal history. There have been also a number of Scottish royal dynasties till the both crowns were combined in the 17th century. The current monarch of the United Kingdom is from the House of Windsor. It can be said a lot about all of the kings and queens as many of them left memorable spurs in the history of their country but I would like to talk about few of them who happened to play an important role in the world history.

Содержание работы

Table of contents

Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Great Britain. Overview 4

Chapter 2. Famous Britons 5

2.1 Royal Family 5

2.2 Inventors and scientists 8

2.3 Painters 11

2.4 Writers and poets 12

2.5 Politicians 16

2.6 Famous Characters in 20th 21st centuries 17

Chapter 3. Tests, quizzes and games 21

Conclusion 29

Bibliography 30

Appendix 1. Kings and queens 31

Appendix 2. The list of top 100 great Britons according to BBC 34

Использованная литература

  1. Bibliography
  2. Ackroyd, Peter London. Biography London 2001
  3. C. Warren Irvin, Jr., Charles Darwin and his writings. From The Collection at the University of South Carolina
  4. Chrystal D., The stories of England London 1984
  5. Dickens Ch., A child's history of England LONDON CHAPMAN AND HALL, 193, PICCADILLY PHILADELPHIA J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.1876
  6. Gaunt W., A Concise History of English Painting Thames and Hudson1964
  7. Harding S.B., The story of England 2003
  8. Harper H., Spotlight on Great Britain, London 1999
  9. Hart, Michael H., The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History
  10. Longman. Dictionary of English Language and Culture, London
  11. LoveToKnow. Free Online Encyclopedia based on the 11th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1911)
  12. McDowall D., All illustrated history of Britain London 1989
  13. McDowall D.,Britain in close-up London 2002
  14. Merriam-Webster's dictionary of English usage by Merriam-Webster
  15. O'Driscoll J., Britain, the country and its people London 1997
  16. Papers at the Royal College of Physicians, online archive
  17. Russell, Colin Michael Faraday: Physics and Faith (2000)
  18. White, Michael, Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer. Fourth Estate Limited
  19. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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